Chimney Liners (FLUE) Replacement & Relining, Minneapolis – St Paul
Chimney Liners Replacement?“Its Flue Season,” The Chimney Pro’s have the Cure!
Chimney liners are one of the most important parts in your chimney, the liner actually protects both you and your home.Traditional chimney liners are made of vitreous clay and are meant to stop gases from leaking back into the house and prevent, or lessen, the transfer of heat through the brick and mortar, which masonry chimneys are built with. In the United States, homes built “After 1940” were required to have a chimney liner. Houses that were built “Before 1940” were not required to have any type of liner at all.Additionally, NOW, building codes require you to replace liners when they become cracked, broken, decayed, or are just completely missing. In fact, current Local and National building codes state, “The Flue Liner Shall Provide a Continuous Gas and Moisture-Tight Insulating Lining between the Flue Gases and the Chimney Structure.”
There are countless ways in which standard clay liners fail. Standard clay tiles fail due to age and usage, chimney fires, settling, thermal shock, freeze-thaw cycles, animal intrusion, and mother nature—just to name a few. However, each type of failure leaves behind tell tale signs of just what happened. If your liner is cracked or damaged due to a chimney fire, The Chimney Pro’s can typically get the cost of the liner replacement/repair covered under your home owners insurance. We will work with you, and your insurance agent, to quickly get your fireplace back in working order!
Wood burning fireplaces, gas fireplaces, and furnaces produce a tremendous amount of heat and deadly gases. This mixture of heat and gases, combined with rain water and condensation, can damage your chimney, fireplace, and house—in fact, these gases can make you sick, even cause death. This is why the chimney liner should not be taken for granted!
What Happens in a Chimney Fire?One common fallacy is if you had a chimney fire, you surely know it. While a free burning chimney fire is amazing to witness, it is more common to have a chimney fire you never knew happened. A limited chimney fire never really takes off, be it a lack of fuel, lack of oxygen, or a combination of both, the conditions just aren’t right to turn into a spectacular fire. So, when you have your chimney cleaned, or an inspection done, that’s when you learn about a chimney fire.A limited chimney fire, although not spectacular like its free burning cousin, does just as much damage. Clay flue liners are not meant to come into contact with any type of open flame–as soon as they do, they crack. Therefore, any fire in the venting system is a “Chimney Fire.” Crazy as it may sound, a birds nest in the chimney that catches fire, is a “Chimney Fire.” Once the liners are fractured they are no longer capable of doing their job. A lot of times when you hear of a house burning down because of a chimney fire, it isn’t the first one they have had–they just don’t know that they have had any.
If you have been told that you need the Mortar Joints in your liner repaired, Call The Chimney Pro’s! This Is One Repair That We Will Not Be Under Sold On!The Chimney Pro’s are factory trained and certified by FireSafe Industries to repair the missing and decayed horizontal mortar joints in chimney liners, additionally, we can repair liners that have shifted, causing dangerous gaps between liner sections.The FireGuard applicator we use has a powerful vibrator inside that pushes the new ceramic mortar in each dislodged mortar joint, then the applicator smooths off the joint as it is pulled through the liner. FireGuard holds the patent on this system, other systems just pull a foam plug through your liner and “Hope” the material is getting pushed in the missing mortar joints. Contact The Chimney Pro’s and we will show you the difference in “Quality of Workmanship & Price.”
As we repair each defect in the liner, we verify it’s repaired correctly with video inspection. This is a viable alternative to installing a complete liner, and typically costs half as much (or less). In the past, relining was the “Only” option to repair decayed or missing mortar joints. The Chimney Pro’s can repair these problems and offer a lifetime warranty on the repairs. Give us a call and schedule an inspection today….We can get the job done right, and save you some money at the same time!!
Why choose the FireGuard Pure Ceramic System?
• FireGuard‘s temperature rating, 3,205 degrees F is the highest rating in the industry.
• The FireGuard process typically costs less than relining.
• The FireGuard process does not appreciably decrease the area of the original flue; consequently, the performance of the fireplace or appliance will not change.
• The FireGuard process is usually completed in less than a day with much less disturbance to the inside of the home since the flue liners are not removed.
• Since 2003 the patented FireGuard System has been successfully installed nationwide.
• Limited lifetime factory guarantee against material failure is provided with every FireGuard Mortar Joint Repair and a twenty-five year limited factory guarantee against material failure is provided with every FireGuard resurfacing repair – the best guarantees offered.
When the liner in your chimney has been deemed “Unsafe” it’s time to explore your options. The Chimney Pro’s will provide you with multiple chimney liners options to correct your situation and restore your chimney again.
To request a free estimate for services, please click here.
For general questions questions and inquiries, please fill out the contact form or Contact Us directly at 651-731-5111.
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